Tuesday, August 26, 2014

American Standard Heating & Air Conditioning Receives National 2014 Dealer Design Award From The ACHR News

AccuComfort™ Platinum ZV Air Conditioner honored in HVAC Residential Equipment category

Los Angeles, CA August 28, 2014) – American Standard Heating & Air Conditioning has been recognized for excellence in product design in the 11th annual Dealer Design Awards sponsored by The Air Conditioning Heating & Refrigeration News magazine — the leading trade magazine in the heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigeration industries. American Standard’s AccuComfort™ Platinum ZV Air Conditioner was the Bronze recipient in the HVAC Residential Equipment category.

An independent panel of contractors judged the 92 Dealer Design Award entries. Winning submissions were featured in the July 21, 2014 issue of The ACHR News, which is distributed nationally to over 33,000 HVACR contractors, wholesalers and other industry professionals.

“We’re proud to provide our customers with American Standard products featuring the latest innovation and design functionalities,” said local American Standard dealer Dean Gilford, President of Kilowatt. “Variable speed technology in AccuComfort provides homeowners with remarkable comfort and value for their home.”  

The ACHR News’ Publisher Mike Murphy stated, "These awards give us a unique opportunity to recognize the outstanding research and development efforts that go into many of the products serving the HVACR industry."

A system that works smarter, the Platinum ZV Variable Speed Air Conditioner comes with AccuComfort technology that allows the system to consistently adjust to run at a more efficient speed to maintain homeowners’ personal level of comfort. Plus, with up to a 21.00 SEER rating, it is one of the most efficient multistage cooling units on the market.

Learn more about the Platinum ZV Variable Speed Air Conditioner by calling or visiting Kilowatt Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical at www.KilowattHVAC.com, 818-780-0701. For more information and further coverage on the award, visit www.achrnews.com.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

How Long Should Air Conditioning Equipment Last?

The useful life of a Los Angeles air conditioning system is usually 10 to 15 years for the compressor in the outdoor unit. Heat pump compressors tend to fail earlier than air conditioner compressors because they are used year round. The typical life span of a furnace is between 15 and 20 years.

As your system begins to wear out, you will encounter refrigerant leaks and motor failures. Sometimes, the compressor in the outdoor unit will short out or the heat exchanger in a gas furnace will develop cracks. All of these are expensive repairs and it may prove more cost effective for you to replace your system rather than repair it.

You want to be sure that all the parts of your HVAC system work together properly. Replacing only the outdoor unit or the indoor unit of an HVAC system may appear to save money, but it could contribute to service problems later on.
A mismatched system may not deliver the energy efficiency or performance that you expect.
If an older part of the system—such as an outdoor unit of a heat pump, ductwork, piping or a furnace—is replaced, it’s important to match the new part as closely as possible to the existing system.