Friday, April 5, 2013

Wildlife Waystation Air Conditioning

The Wildlife WayStation is a national non-profit, holding rehabilitation, medical and problem solving refuge for native, wild and exotic animals located in the Angeles National Forest.

Sometimes things break at a non-profit organization like this and there is just no money to get it fixed. This was the case with the HVAC system.

The Wildlife Waystation offices and gift store had air conditioning installed when the offices were built. But over the years time and dust took their toll on the condensers, duct and freon lines. The air conditioning stopped working, and if you have ever been in those offices you know the situation was desperate. Most windows in the offices don't open so it can get extremely uncomfortable when the temperature rises.

Dean Gilford & Elizabeth Marquart at the Wildlife Waystation

Longtime friend and supporter of the Wildlife Waystation Elizabeth Marquart brought in her favorite Air Conditioning contractor Dean Gilford of Kilowatt Heating, Air & Electrical to donate his time and expertise. Within a couple of hours Dean had the AC working and the offices cool.

Dean fell in love with the Wildlife Waystation and will be returning with a case of filters to do maintenance on the HVAC package units.

Dean Gilford fixing the Air Conditioning at the Wildlife Waystation


  1. Good Job.. Dean had the AC working and the offices cool. Thanks For Sharing.Ac Repair Davie

  2. That's awesome! So glad it worked out that they could get their systems working properly. I know I just had to get my air conditioners fixed, and it turned out really well.

  3. Hi guys,

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  9. You definitely need to let an air conditioning contractor look at your air conditioner instead of doing things yourself. That way you can make sure that it does not get worse and it will get fixed. That is their job to make sure that it is working properly.
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